Abigail Collins

New England Artist & Photographer



Take a look into my artist practice! View my biography, artist statement, and see what ​my art-making processes look like, from ideas and planning to execution.


Abigail is a photographer and mixed media artist based in New England. She is a ​graduate of Bridgewater State University with a focus in studio art and art history. ​In her practice, she makes work that inspires others to be their authentic selves and ​connect with the world around them. She is passionate about her family, nature, ​and her community, which can be seen in her array of photographs, paintings, and ​graphic designs. Her work has been featured in local publications, as well as ​displayed in local galleries throughout Massachusetts and New England.


In my work, I focus on connections with my surroundings. I make digital ​photographs and prints, and incorporate a variety of mixed media. I primarily rely ​on ideas of play, discovery, and experimentation, and use the elements around me ​to spark ideas for my work that I can incorporate into my final pieces.

In my creative practice, I have gravitated towards methods of observation, and ​what I’ve observed has allowed me to stay present and open up to new ​possibilities for experimentation. My relationship with the world, although ​complex, resonates clearly through my pieces and has allowed me to reflect and ​meditate on my work, and shift my direction of thinking as I become a more ​developed artist. I challenge everyone to look at the world from a different ​perspective, focus on the details that often get overlooked, and experience it using ​all of their senses.



Abigail Collins Photography


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